SRC 6 Liveblog

Can’t make it to tonight’s Student Representative Council meeting? Can make it, but find yourself zoning out as if it’s an 8am lecture? Follow along with our liveblog! We are also livestreaming to our Facebook page.
The meeting has now closed. Lachy says this is “for safety reasons”. We have been informed that the police were ultimately not called.21.47
It’s hit 10 minutes, but we’ve not received word about whether the meeting is being abandoned. Security is still standing outside the room.
We understand that Security is calling the police.
Security has arrived. Grace is talking to the security guards and still not leaving.
Lachy calls security over Grace’s refusal to leave, and the meeting is paused. He says he will only delay 10 minutes before abandoning the meeting.
Students are allowed back into the room. Kim Stern says, “Have a good last time doing this without socialists in the room.” Multiple Socialist Alternative members have been elected to ANUSA for next year.
Grace exercises her right of reply, saying, “The other motion doesn’t say we should oppose her appointment… How many pizzas do you think we should eat with Bishop to get her not to deregulate university fees?” She argues that activism is the most effective way to achieve changes.
We go to a vote on the motion. Grace attempts to take a photo of those voting against the motion, and Lachy objects. She argues that it’s no different to Observer livestreaming. Matthew names Grace. This is the third time she has been named, so she is asked to leave. She refuses.
The vote continues and the motion fails.
Tanika speaks against the motion. She says that while she is not a fan of Bishop, ANUSA must be able to work with the Chancellor. “[Bishop] is going to be here for 3 years at least and it is really unacceptable to expect [us] not to work with them,” she says. She argues that there is another motion up for discussion that will also make Bishop “uncomfortable”. This motion calls on Bishop “to show that she will stand with students in her term as Chancellor” through measures such as a Pizza with Brian-style event.
MC speaks in favour of the motion. “I could not imagine being in a room with her and trying to work with her,” she says. “There are so many Liberal politicians who we need to make feel uncomfortable and Julie Bishop is one of them.”
Gen Sec (and 2020 President-elect) Lachy Day speaks against the motion. “I think the way forward is to, in every single way we can, encourage Julie Bishop to support students in every way she can,” he says. He also argues that this motion would mean he would have to resign next year as either University Council member or as ANUSA President.
Henri seconds the motion. He particularly emphasises Bishop’s role in defending asbestos companies. Henri says that he wants to make the “more broad point that positions like this are symbolic, but we as a student union should not allow for cushy post-parliamentary jobs”, arguing that the Chancellorship should go to an academic or some other person.
Grace has agreed to move and speak for the motion. She says that Bishop is “pretty universally recognised to be an absolute monster”, and raises the issue of Bishop’s role as a lawyer in asbestos cases. Grace calls Bishop “an absolute trashfire of a person”. “The only position for a student union to take is condemnation,” she says. “Julie Bishop is in no way good for students, good for women, good for workers on this campus,” she continues. Grace says ANUSA needs to let ANU know that it will not work with Bishop and will not “be buddying up at a nice lunch at the University Council with her”.
Sorry about the formatting on the previous post – not sure what’s happened, and unsure how to fix it.
On the plus side, a motion just passed to allow us to restart our livestream.
Matthew is now reading out the motion. The motion is as follows:
ANUSA SRC condemns the appointment of Julie Bishop as ANU Chancellor.
Julie Bishop has been announced as the next ANU Chancellor. This is outrageous, as Julie Bishop should be considered an enemy of students, workers, and anyone who isn’t a corporate vampire.
Bishop’s legal career included time as a lawyer for CSR, a mining company that poisoned generations of workers with asbestos. CSR knew the material was deadly but continued to mine and sell it because profits were considered more important than working class lives.
While hundreds were dying excruciating deaths from asbestosis or mesothelioma, Bishop argued that CSR’s subsidiary companies bore no responsibility. She delayed court proceedings to make sure sufferers died before they could get compensation. CSR owned asbestos mine at Witternoom, WA, scene of Australia’s greatest single industrial disaster, where over 2000 people have died from asbestos-related diseases, which includes asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. Bishop described her conduct in defending this company, and dragging cases out until victims of Witternoom had died, as ethical and professional.
Bishop’s political career as a Liberal MP was appalling. That she was Liberal MP is worthy of condemnation in itself. Bishop was a frontbencher in the Abbott Government, which tried to deregulate university fees and implement a US-Style higher education system, complete with US-Style student debt. She was rightly chased from university campuses by angry students. The government she was part of attacked people on welfare, students, workers & unions, Aboriginal people, and refugees, among others.
– ANUSA SRC condemns Julie Bishop, and everyone involved with the decision to appoint her.
– ANUSA SRC recognises Bishop’s role in attacking students, workers, and unions, especially in her role in attempts to deregulate uni fees, and help asbestos companies get away with murdering workers.
– ANUSA SRC commits to take concrete steps to oppose this appointment, including refusing to work with Julie Bishop in her role as Chancellor, refusing to meet with her, publishing a press release opposing her, and organising protests against her where the opportunity arises
Now there’s the issue of who will move the motion – the original mover of the Julie Bishop condemnation motion, Grace, is not an SRC member. The SRC resolves to allow Grace into the room for this motion, but no other non-SRC/media members. Grace seems to have an issue with this so is discussing the matter with supporters.
Student media has been allowed in. Lachy tells us that the SRC “has voted to hear the Julie Bishop motion in camera with student media”. However, he adds, “I as chair don’t feel comfortable doing this and don’t agree with doing this…[so] I am overriding the SRC’s decision.”
Tanika then moves a motion to “roll the Chair”. This seems pre-planned. Campbell as Acting Chair invites her to speak. “I don’t agree with the chair going back on the decision the SRC just made, I think that’s un-ANUSA spirit like,” she says.
The motion passes with only one vote against, so Lachy’s ruling to not discuss the Julie Bishop motion has been overruled.
Lachy can technically be Chair now, bound to this decision, but says, “I believe that considering my opinion on this motion and my previous actions, I am unfit to chair this motion.” Matthew takes over as Chair.
It’s been an hour and a half. Media is now being allowed in – but only media.
Kai just dabbed. I think people are following the liveblog. For those in the room: no future dabbing will be noted in this blog.
Henri dabbed again. Twice.
It looks like there’s some movement. It’s been an hour and 20 minutes at this point so it could be the discussion finishing, or it could be reps taking a break.
We’ve been told that apparently the in-camera discussion is talking about more than just the concept of excluding motion – apparently reps are discussing their own positions on the excluded motions. We’ll definitely investigate this once we’re allowed back in – this tip isn’t coming directly from a rep.
We’ve now been excluded from the meeting for an hour. At least in this location we get to wait indoors – unlike in the Tank.
For those following along at home, we’re still not allowed into the room. There has been no more dabbing, by Henri or anyone else.
We’re looking into the room (Marie Reay 2.02 is something of a fishbowl), and can see Gen Rep Henri Vickers dabbing. What a time.
The in camera discussion is still going. Observer understands that the issue of the excluded motions is being discussed.
We’re now to the point of discussing the Gen Rep reports.
CAP Rep Kai moves a procedural to first discuss the SRC standing orders (item 8.1). This item will be in-camera, which means it won’t be on-camera. We’re having to leave the room while this is discussed.
The Ethnocultural report, presented by Officer Aisha Setipa, flags advocacy for the creation of an African Studies Centre at ANU, and a joint Refugee Campaign run with the Education Committee and the Refugee Action Committee. The Department is looking at co-hosting a Pride-Party inspired ‘Multicultural Party’ with the Indigenous Department.
Aisha also attended NUS Education Conference over the break, and expresses disappointment that the discussions and workshops were frequently derailed by “stupol”. Setipa particularly notes an incident where she was called a “fascist” for “wanting to attend a workshop on how to offer and improve free services offered to students on campus”.
The Department is yet to elect its officer for 2020. Aisha says that nominations are now open.
In response to a question, Aisha says that no one has consulted the Department about planned anti-racism campaigns beyond the planned casual racism campaign. She says she thinks consulting with the Department on such matters is “incredibly important”.
After the resignation of Nick Blood, Mayra Balderas Escobedo and Mary-Clare Woodforde will be co-Environment Officers for the remainder of the year. The report notes the success of the 9 August Climate Walkout, and encourages similar action on 20 September. Actions taken by the Collective include funding activist travel to a Beyond Uranium solidarity camp, to a blockade of the Adani coal mine, and to the Djab Wurrung Embassy. The Collective has also allocated 00 to reimburse students attending a Socialism conference.
Mayra plugs the planned Floriade walkover and the 20 September walkout, and flags that the Collective wants to run an event with the Women’s Department.
The Officers are asked about activism and mobilisation in ANUSA. “There is a different kind of precedent in activism and organising outside the EC,” MC says. She says that she thinks the Collective should help train ANUSA and other students in how to organise protests and other actions.
CAP Rep Dom asks about the mystery 00 donation made to the Collective. MC says that uses for the donation are still being discussed.
Disabilities Officer Madhu Janagaraja presents her report. It states that there has “not [been] much further progress to report on in the last month”, as she has been on leave. It mentions the opening of the Spoons Space, that Janagaraja is reviewing applications for Spoon Week Director, and that she is “improving the survey for feedback on student experience”. It also notes that ANU has committed to implementing an on campus shuttle, and that the Disabilities Department’s finances are still under review.
Matthew asks for more detail about the issues with the Spoons Space. Madhu says that there are autonomy issues as staff and students need to go through/near the space to access services, and there is no running water. Because of this, apparently the Department is looking to relocate the Space.
Hazel’s report passes, and we move to a short break.
Next is the report of the International Officer, Hazel Ang. First, the report provides Ang’s apology for missing SRC 5. It also notes that the International Students Department (ISD) “stands in line” with ANU’s policy regarding the Lennon Wall. The report briefly mentions the ISD OGM, an international students mixer held in July, and the resignation of a number of ISD officers.
Speaking to her report, Hazel notes changes to ISD’s constitution. These mean that there will be attendance/volunteering requirements for Presidential candidates.
She expresses “disappointment” about one of the Gen Reps’ claims in their report. She says the claims are “baseless”, and that she is concerned about the Gen Rep wanting to run for ISD President.
Then comes a question about racism. She says an “anti-casual racism campaign” is in the works, and that no other parties have reached out to ISD – this is seemingly aimed at the supporters of the excluded anti-racism motion. “We have received confidential feedback from international students that they feel unsafe with what has been happening on campus,” she says.
Hazel is asked why the meeting/volunteering requirement was implemented. “I realised that there is a lot more to the position than one can expect,” she says. Hazel says it is “important for the wellbeing” of Presidential hopefuls that they know the amount of work required, and also that it takes time to “work out what the Department does, and what needs to be done”.
Sam is unavailable to present this week, so 2020 Queer* Officer-elect Shivali Trivedi is presenting in their place.
The Queer* Officer’s report is a short one this week – the bulk of the wordcount consists of Sam’s meeting with the Honourable Michael Kirby on a variety of queer* issues, and on a message of acknowledgement, support, and respect for “all of the diverse aspects of the queer* community”. Sam’s report congratulates Shivali, who has been elected as 2020 Queer* Officer.
Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Sexual Harrassment, Institutional Betrayal.
Women’s Officers Siang Jin Law and Nupur Apte are up next. The Women’s Department report focuses on the events of 1 August, including blacking out the windows of buildings in Kambri, planting black flags in the Lawn, and the sit-In. The sit-in, though well-attended, “went unnoticed by the University”, who had completed Foundation Day celebrations early. The report also condemns Kambri’s booking of “problematic comedian” Isaac Butterfield, and the Women’s Department will be running an alternative event while he performs, such as a movie night or a casual stand-up evening.
Though Nupur Apte was uncontested on the ballot as the 2020 Women’s Officer, her report notes that her name was only there as a placeholder to preserve departmental autonomy until the Collective could elect an Officer internally. After only one nomination was received internally, Nupur’s current co-officer Siang Jin Law will be ANUSA’s 2020 Women’s Officer.
Jin speaks about the plans for Open Day. “It’s really important we get a lot of people around striking against the university,” she says.
She also says that there was an issue with Kambri’s post about controversial comedian Simon Butterfield. She says that in the comments on the post, Department members were harassed and insulted, and Kambri took some hours to respond to concerns.
Nupur says that feedback on the Code of Conduct is due Friday. She says that getting feedback is “really important”. Nupur also says that conversations with the Respectful Relationships Unit about the Ambassador Program are ongoing – the role was previously paid but is currently being advertised as voluntary.
Indigenous Officer Sarah Loynes speaks to her report. In it, she notes that attendance at department meetings has been low, and one has had to be cancelled. The Department is attempting to find ways to increase attendance.
The Department’s Coffee Catch Up was well-attended, and has received positive feedback. NAIDOC Week was also a success, despite “historical disengagement of the ANU student body with Indigenous centred events”.
Sarah also congratulates Maddison Crowe, who will be the ANUSA Indigenous Officer for 2020.
Sarah gives a content warning on behalf of the Women’s Department for sexual assault and sexual harassment.
The report passes with no questions asked.
There’s a procedural motion tomove straight to a vote. Matthew himself votes against it. Lachy initially says the motion passes, but then Grace points out that the motion needs a two-thirds majority. The motion does not pass.
Kim Stern asks whether Matthew agrees with Lachy’s rulings on the excluded motions. Matthew says he defers to Lachy’s decisions. He says he does not think ANUSA should campaign against anti-Chinese racism.
We ask why money in the ANUSA budget is being moved to pay for Clubs Ball (there’s a motion coming later). He says that “after looking at different venues… the most preferable venue was Parliament” and that this required more funding.
There are more questions about Matthew’s position on campaigning against anti-Chinese racism. Another procedural to go to a vote is moved, and this one passes. The report passes.
Matthew Mottola is speaking to his report. He congratulates everyone on a “monstrous” Bush Week. Due to scheduling conflicts, Mottola was unable to attend meetings of the Kambri Reference Group, on which he sits. He therefore delegated this responsibility.
Social Committee will be meeting “soon”, and Mottola hopes it will be more engaged than last semester, though he notes that several Social Committee events ran during Bush Week.
Matthew says that “some events were really well attended” in Bush Week. He says it was a shame that the “Soul Defender Truck” planned for the final event of the week could not be used – apparently an invigilator came and told them an exam was in progress.
Apparently the Kambri Reference Group suggested that they take the budget for Friday Night Party and use it for other events.
Clubs Ball is going to be held at Parliament House. Matthew is considering the the theme “timeless elegance”.
Jason Pover asks whether defamation is “ANUSA’s equivalent to National Security”. Lachy responds, “I have been informed on good authority that this is a defamation risk so I trust this advice.” Lachy says it is “lucky” that the Governance Review is still ongoing, as the consultants reviewing ANUSA can examine the issue of defamatory motions.
There’s again a procedural to go to a vote, which passes. The report passes.
Now onto the report by General Secretary Lachy Day. The report notes plans for an Electoral Reform Working Group, and the current Media Policy Working Group. Day also notes that ANUSA meetings this term have been “fraught with delays, owing to combinations of sickness, cancellations and inquorate attendance”. This SRC was originally supposed to be held two weeks ago, and Week 4’s OGM did not meet quorum. “In hindsight, a solution may have been to completely delegate General Meeting duties and scheduled the meeting for a day during election week,” Day says in his report.
Lachy has a number of things he wants to discuss. He responds to Observer’s questions about whether Gen Rep Chris Atkins resigned or was removed, saying that he resigned.
Informal SRCs are apparently a thing. This term has been too hectic to hold one, so the next will be held in week 8.
Lachy says that one of the motions that was excluded from the agenda was “turned down for defamation reasons”. This was the motion condemning the appointment of Julie Bishop as Chancellor. The other motion(s) were excluded based on “the welfare of ANU students”. Based on social media, it seems one of these excluded motions was to condemn anti-Chinese racism and have ANUSA run an anti-racism campaign.
Tanika Sibal, Education Officer, is speaking to her report. The report states that workers rights workshops will be held during Universal Lunch Hours in week six and ten. It also mentions a meeting held on August 6 to address student retention rates, in preparation for a submission a submission they will be making to the Education Minister due in October. Next, it notes that Sibal has completed a Low-SES/Low-Income student survey, which she plans to make available on facebook when it has been reviewed by student assistance officers. It also mentions that Sibal has “started to contact speakers” for a series of panel discussions and workshops to be held in term two, and that she is in the early stages of organizing a “refugee rights campaign”.
In response to a question about her position on Julie Bishop as Chancellor, Tanika notes that she has put up a motion which refers to Bishop’s appointment and will be discussed later.
Tanika says she is “not comfortable answering” a question about whether ANUSA should run a campaign condemning anti-Chinese racism.
Tanika’s report passes.
Vice-President Campbell Clapp is speaking to his report. The report thanks SASH advocates for their work before and on August 1, and students for engaging with the ANUSA elections “respectfully”. It mentions plans to increase the number of food products offered at the BKSS, and that a number of items for bikes are now being sold in the space.
Campbell notes that SkillUp applications are being processed. In response to a question, he says that the review of the Joint TLDC meeting will be open to all current ANUSA reps, and likely next year’s representatives.
Campbell says he does not think his position on Julie Bishop’s appointment as Chancellor is relevant to his role as VP.
There is a procedural motion to go straight to a vote, which passes. The report then passes.
Tanika moves a procedural motion to go straight to a vote, amid multiple questions about the Julie Bishop issue. This passes. Eden’s report passes.
Eden is asked her position on Julie Bishop’s appointment as Chancellor. She says she is unable to comment as she is a member of the University Council.
CW: sexual assault, sexual harassment, institutional betrayal.
ANUSA President Eden Lim is speaking to her report. In it, she flags her work on advocacy for the Number 3 Bus, on the creation of “a more student-friendly and financially accessible booking policy” for Kambri, and on administrative duties during ANUSA’s election season.
She also notes that one General Representative, Chris Atkins, has resigned from his position since the last SRC.
Speaking to her report, Eden congratulates and thanks the Probity Officers from this year’s election. She also flags the joint TLDC (Teaching and Learning Development Committee), which was held for the first time recently, thanking VP Campbell for organising the meeting.
Eden says she is “really disappointed” with the lack of support from ANU on 1 August, saying that only 1 staff member attended the speak-out and listened to the entire thing.
She thanks the residents who attended the Residential Forum a few weeks ago, saying it took 6 months of lobbying to make happen. She flags the planned Open Day strike, and says “students deserve better” in the residential space.
Non-SRC member Grace Hill moves a procedural motion about some motions which were apparently excluded from the agenda.
Day says that she cannot move a procedural motion to put something on the agenda. He says that her only option is to “dissent the Chair” – that is, roll Lachy and make someone else the Chair. Jason Pover asks whether the Chair could be rolled at a later point, and Lachy says this is an option. Grace stops trying to move her procedural motion and does not dissent the Chair.
James Howarth moves a procedural motion to deal with his Clubs Council report first – he has a class to go to.
Now onto the report of the Clubs Council Chair, James Howarth. The Council has currently spent about AUD100k of its AUD150k budget. Howarth says this is “a lot to have spent at this point in the year, and with Balls season coming up”. Elections will be held at the next Clubs Council meeting, and Howarth says he intends to run for a second term as Chair.
Speaking to his report, Howarth thanks ANUSA Community Life Officer Sam Guthrie, who is leaving at the end of the month.
Not mentioned in the report is the motion of no confidence in Howarth that was passed by the Clubs Council Executive. “Unfortunately I’m not able to speak to that motion,” he says.
General Secretary Lachy Day has opened the meeting with an Acknowledgement of Country.
Like last SRC, everyone has been given a “standing orders cheat sheet” and a copy of the Code of Conduct.
We’ve hit 6pm and are just waiting on the meeting to start.
Welcome to SRC 6. There’s a lot to cover this week – in addition to the regular Executive and Department reports, all Gen Reps will also be presenting reports, thanks to a motion moved at last SRC in a bid to increase transparency. Also on the table are motions endorsing the Interhall Council’s Open Day Strike on Saturday and the Global Strike for Climate on 20 September, to transfer additional money to Clubs and Societies, creating an electoral reform working group, and a committee for standing orders reform.
Education Officer Tankia Sibal is also moving two motions, one endorsing the efforts of Canberra Students for Fair Work in advocating for students experiencing wage theft, and another condemning ANU’s choice of 1 August to announce new Chancellor Julie Bishop, and demanding that Bishop “show that she will stand with students in her term as Chancellor”, including meeting with the Respectful Relationships Working Group, and attending a ‘Pizza with Brian’-style event.
Controversially, a second motion that would have ANUSA condemn Bishop’s appointment entirely and refuse to work with her, has not been included for discussion. The mover, a non-SRC member, was allegedly told by the General Secretary that the motion was “potentially defamatory”.
A motion against “anti-Chinese racism”, again moved by a non-SRC member, has also not been included in the agenda. This follows the SRC’s decision not to consider a pro-Hong Kong motion as it was “not relevant to [ANUSA’s] objective and goals under the constitution” last meeting.