Lewis Pope Elected Clubs Council Chair
The Clubs Council has elected Lewis Pope as its 2018 Chair. The position, which oversees the body determining club and society affiliation and funding, was previously held ex officio by the ANUSA Social Officer.
Pope is a fourth-year Science and Law Student, and currently serves on the Clubs Council as Community Officer. In 2017, Pope was an ANUSA General Representative and as member of the ANU Union board, and ran unsuccessfully for ANUSA Treasurer on the Lift ticket.
Pope ran on a platform to make the Council more “open, effective, and responsive”. Substantively, this will mean using data analysis to “optimise and fine-tun[e] [Council] funding rates”. In addition, Pope emphasised the importance of training for Clubs, which he plans to deliver year round combining “practical, experience-based instructional training, and professional qualification training”.
Pope defeated Bodie D’Orazio, who emphasised his substantial previous experience administering Club funding at UWA, and Jacob Mildren, running on his rural background and extensive Club Involvement.
Howard Maclean will be the Secretary in 2018. Maclean describes himself as an “ageing governance hack” and has substantial governance experience from UniLodge, ANUSA and the NUS.
Ian Fulton has been elected as funding officer. Fulton volunteered on the now defunct Grants and Affiliations Committee, processing payment requests. Incoming 2018 Queer Officer Matthew Mottola and current Clubs Council Secretary Joel Baker were elected to the new roles of Affiliations Officer and Communications Officer respectively.
A motion was passed at the Council meeting on Tuesday allowing the Executive to bring a motion to the next ANUSA OGM to approve honoraria or stipends for members of the Executive. Current Funding Officer Zachari Lord spoke in support of the motion, arguing “the chair, who will be independently elected, do[es] a substantial amount of work”.
Turnout for the election was 23.5%, 37 out of 158 delegates, which is less than half the worst turnout results for any national election internationally in recent history.
Chair: Lewis Pope
Secretary: Howard Maclean
Funding Officer: Ian Fulton
Community Officer: Marianna Segaram
Affiliation Officer: Matthew Mottola
Communications Officer: Joel Baker
General Officer: Osman Chiu, Matthew Stuckey, Jacob Mildren
Branch Officers
Arts and Performance Branch Officer: Lily Iervasi
Discipline Branch Officer: Shirley Ruan
Faith and Religion Branch Officer: Jonathan Tjandra
Humanitarian, Advocacy and Social Justice Branch Officer: Seren Heyman-Griffiths
Language and Culture Branch Officer: Lauren Kightly
Political Branch Officer: Niall Cummins
Special Interest Branch Officer: Tandee Wang
Edited to remove potentially inaccurate ANUSA Election turnout.