SRC 7 Liveblog
The meeting has finished before 7pm. We’re pretty sure this is the shortest meeting this year, at under 45 minutes. Observer reporter Jess didn’t even get to finish her Zambies.
Kathryn has moved a third motion, this one to reaffirm a motion passed at SRC 3 to “call upon the ANUSA exec to take strong steps” to ensure the NUS International Officer “actively partakes in his role”
Lee says this motion was originally passed to ensure the NUS International Officer is “actually doing something”. The NUS has put up minutes and agendas of meetings, but there have been no reports from the International Officer. Lee says the International Officer also has not attended any of the six NUS Committee meetings so far.
Amel Saaed proposed an amendment to clarify the motion, but it is pointed out that this passed at a previous SRC.
The motion is passed unanimously.
We now move to another related motion, “to reaffirm the SRC’s commitment to review the media policy”. Kathryn says “the motion speaks for itself”, and it is again passed unanimously.
Kathryn Lee delivers a report in other business about the review of the media policy. The
committee has met with media outlets, past representatives, and other students. A draft new policy has been prepared, and the committee will be meeting with ANUSA staff and PARSA representatives shortly.
There was some drama as Social Office Anya Bonan dropped her pide.
Anya asks a question, coming from the perspective of an ANU employee. She asks why ANUSA needs a different media policy, as opposed to the general corporation policy of only one person being authorised to speak to media.
Kathryn observes that the current media policy covers ANUSA, PARSA and student media (Woroni). She says ANUSA needs a unique media policy to reflect differences in levels between representatives, and distinguish between elected representatives and staff.
The report is accepted unanimously.
Mariah Chang, ANUSA Treasurer, proposes the motion. She says that it “came about due to some challenges when we were meeting in the initial honoraria committee”, noting that “we had troubles identifying what ‘above and beyond’ really meant”. She said it was unclear whether judging honoraria required one to compare actions against role description, or current cohort. “It was quite vague and open to interpretation,” she says.
Clubs Council Chair Howard Maclean speaks for the motion, waxing lyrical as to importance of honoraria – “especially for people who fall outside the SRC”.
The motion passes unanimously.
We now move to Motion 6.1 – Honoraria Committee guidelines. The full guidelines can be found in the Agenda for this SRC. Acting Chair Lachy Day reads out the guidelines. Last year, ANUSA saw clashes in SRC over the membership of a committee to award honoraria. The motion notes that the Committee “faced challenges in determining and quantifying ‘above and beyond’”. The motion proposes different criteria for different position holders to receive honoraria. For example, it suggests that Gen Reps should be considered for honoraria if “the SRC can see the tangible results and contributions that they have left”.
Jacob Mildren did not submit a Clubs’ Chair report and is not in attendance. Secretary Howard Maclean says “when the chair doesn’t do things, I have to do them instead”, and speaks to Clubs things. He flags the recent funding changes. He says the Council paid out over 00 to one ball. He says he would “love to run out of money” but it is a “very low possibility”.
Jharna Chamlagai presents the Ethnocultural Officer’s report. She notes the success of last week’s Ethnocultural Revue, and congratulates the incoming Ethnocultural Officer, Aisha Setipa. She answers a question about the recent DJ workshop, saying it was successful.
Amy Bryan presents the Disabilities Officer report. She congratulates Peter Park, who was elected as PARSA’s first Disabilities Officer. Her report flags the success of Spoon Week, accessibility issues on campus, and a new support group for those with autoimmune issues.
Mina Kim presents the International Officer’s report. She congratulates those elected in the ISD’s recent elections, and apologises that “it wasn’t very exciting” due to none of the positions being contested. She has been working on a Respectful Relationships program for international students, with two sessions (ISD executive and leaders of international clubs) being held so far.
The Indigenous Officer’s report is passed in his absence.
Women’s Officer Laura Perkov speaks to her report. There are no questions from the floor, but the Department is complimented on their new logo.
The Queer* Report is similarly uncontroversial. Officer Matthew Mottola flagging the Department’s upcoming focus on Health. This will include the production of a ‘Safer Sex’ Pamphlet, which will be “queer friendly”, without having “any specific queer branding”. Matthew also welcomes his counterpart from Monash to the meeting. The report is passed.
The Education Officer, Harry Needham, has the floor. Responding to a question regarding the NUS’s fulfillment of ANUSA’s KPIs, Harry flags that other members of the executive may be better qualified to answer. However, he does note that one of the KPIs is that the NUS officer bearer makes contact with their university equivalent, and that this has not happened in his case. His report is passed.
ANUSA Treasurer Mariah Chang is speaking to her report. It is taken as read, with just one question regarding the fund for Gen Rep passion projects. The General Secretary’s report is also taken as read, and passed by the SRC.
Welcome to the ANU Observer Liveblog for SRC 7! It’s looking to be a quiet one tonight. Neither the President, Eleanor Kay, nor the Vice President, Tess Frances are present. Eleanor’s report is passed in her absence, and she asks that any questions be directed to her via email. Tess did not submit a report this week.