Need an Easy HD?

By Maya Auld
Disclaimer: ANU Observer does not take responsibility for courses picked by ANU students. Data collated for this article is purely subjective based and students should always do their own research and check course requirements before enrolling.
As the exam block has come to an end and course enrollment for next semester begins, you might find yourself thinking; what course can I fill my elective space with that doesn’t have an overwhelming amount of work?
ANU Observer reached out and asked students what they found to be a relatively straight forward course based on the following criteria.
Components of an ‘easy course’, as described in the anonymous survey include, no tutorial participation, well spread out course work, good course structure, no final exam that needs to be taken. Often as students finish their degrees and have spare electives, they look to fill their degree program with “easy” courses.
The subjects listed do not all include the component’s listed above. Observer recommends doing your own research and cross checking with your degree requirements before enrolling into courses.
Most of the courses listed below are all courses expected to run semester 2 of this year.
ANU College of Art & Social Sciences
POLS2011: Development and Change,
BIAN1001: The Human Voyage: Introduction to Biological Anthropology,
SOCY2030: Social Inequalities and Development,
ENGL2067: Adaptation: From Text to Screen
ANU College of Asia & the Pacific
INTR3001: Humanitarianism: Principles, Politics and Practice,
POLS2055: Pacific Politics,
ASIA1030: Asia and the Pacific in Motion,
STST3002: Australia’s Security in the Asian Century
ANU College of Business & Economics
BUSN3017: Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability and Reporting,
STAT1008: Quantitative Research Methods,
INFS1001: Business Information Systems,
MGMT2100: Communication for Business
ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
ENGN3903: Environmental Sensing, Mapping and Modelling,
ENGN1218 Introduction to Electronics,
COMP1720: Art and Interaction Computing,
COMP4610: Computer Graphics
ANU College of Law
LAWS1204: Contracts,
LAWS8402: Media Law,
LAWS1201: Foundations of Australian Law,
LAWS4251: Artificial Intelligence and the Law
ANU College of Science, Health and Medicine
ENVS1004: Australia’s Environment,
MATH3301: Number Theory and Cryptography,
PSYC1004: Psychology 2: Understanding People in Context,
SCOM2015: Speaking of Science
PSYC1005: The Wellbeing Formula: The Science and Practice of Making a Good Life
MATH1042: Philosophy of Cosmos
COMP1710: Web Development and Design
CHEM1101: Chemistry 1
MATH2301: Games, Graphs and Machines
SCOM1001: Science Communication
To research courses, visit the programs and courses page.
Need guidance on course enrollment? Visit this ANU support page.
If you have any questions regarding planning your degree, be sure to contact your relevant college advisors.
Graphics by Will Novak
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