Head to Head for ANUSA Treasurer

By Maya Auld, graphic by Annisa Zatalini.
The Job
According to the ANUSA Constitution, this position oversees the financial affairs of the Association. This includes arranging the books and accounts to be audited as well as preparing reports. This role will also include being responsible for obtaining any sponsorship that the Association and its activities may acquire, and to maintain these.
The current Treasurer for 2023 is Katrina Ha.
The Candidates
William Burfoot
Running for Treasurer under Stand Up!, William Burfoot is a third year economics student, a representative for the College of Business and Economics and a Senior Resident at Fenner Hall. William was elected unopposed as the CBE Representative in 2022.
Irina Samsonova
Irina Samsonova is also running for Treasurer under the Together for ANUSA ticket. Previously holding a PARSA Postgraduate voice position, Samsonova is an anthropology PHD student from CASS.
As an international student from a First Nations background, she is passionate about protecting and fighting for the rights and wellbeing of students from all over the world.
Ainuojin (Anu)
Ainuojin has never previously had a role at the ANUSA elective and is currently running for Treasurer as an Independent member.
The Policies
William Burfoot: Stand Up!
Burfoot for Stand Up!
If elected, Burfoot promises to overhaul ANUSA’s financial governance procedures and regulations in order to increase transparency and oversight.
He outlines the following three policies, which he says will ensure that these goals are accomplished. They include;
- “Updating our financial governance policy, conducting a review of outdated policy that isn’t fit for use, and creating new policy that will provide structure and guidance to the union’s finances.”
- “Mandating the reporting on large procurements, with discretionary purchases over $10,000 requiring written explanations as to how it represents value for money.”
- “Working with the SRC to review the Financial Review Committee, an outdated function of the constitution which limits proper oversight, and diffuses responsibility to fix issues. The FRC either needs to be properly reformed, or we need to approach financial policy and advice differently.”
He also emphasises the need for more effective use of finances to support students.
“We need targeted support that is meaningful to students, programs that are reactive such as grants, need to be coupled with programs that provide consistent, dependable support.”
More information about Burtfoot’s policies can be found here.
Irina Samsonova: Together for ANUSA
Samsonova was previously PARSA HDR Officer earlier this year, a role in which she was “dedicated to leading advocacy campaigns, worked on postgraduate community buildings and worked on charity events during the last term of PARA’s existence.”
If elected, Samsonova promises to “spend much of my term strategically planning for and preparing to get students the best deal possible.” in the lead up to the implementation of ANUSA’s deal with ANU regarding the transition to a three year SSAF term.
She has also committed to reforming the ethical sponsorships committee, the processes of which she describes as “clunky” and “time consuming”.
She also promises to “redesign the financial review process” so that it “will become clearer, faster, and more meaningful.”
As a former PARSA representative, Samsonova also says she is uniquely positioned to ensure that the interests of post grad students are represented in her work as treasurer.
You can find out more about her policies here.
Observer will continue to publish candidate policies and tickets. All students, postgraduates included, can vote in the upcoming election. Polls open at 9am on Monday September 25th (Monday Week 8) and close at 12pm on Thursday September 28th.
The link for online voting can be found here.
Graphics by Annisa Zatalini
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